How long do Morpheus8 Results Last?

morpheus 8

Tired of rough, dull, and sagging skin? Try this advanced radiofrequency microneedling treatment!

Morpheus8 microneedling is an advanced FDA-approved non-surgical skin treatment that uses radiofrequency (RF) to tighten loose skin. It is also effective for swollen eyelids and cheekbones. Morpheus8 can help contour the face and body without downtime, uncertainties and side-effects of beauty products, costly surgical interventions, and invasive cosmetic treatments.

This innovative high-frequency technology is used to attain consistent results by stimulating collagen production in the skin, which helps improve its appearance and elasticity.

But the real question is: how long do Morpheus8 results last?

Before we get to that, let’s find out how Morpheus8 works and whether the results are permanent or not.

What is Morpheus8 and How Does it Work?

Morpheus8 is a device that combines radiofrequency technology and micro-needling for increased results. Radiofrequency treatments are scientifically proven to restore collagen deep within the dermal layers and have been extremely effective in various body areas.

Using gold-plated micro-needles, the Morpheus8 device delivers radiofrequency signals of up to 4 millimeters deep within the skin. This produces micro-lesions in the skin that trigger its innate healing processes, ultimately promoting collagen and elastin production. The result: firm and remodeled skin.

Since Morpheus8 targets the subdermal layer of the skin, the radiofrequency emitted tightens the underlying tissues and disrupts superficial fat. Typically, clients prefer this treatment on their face, neck, and jawline; but it can also be used on the buttocks and abdomen.

Morpheus8 is a one-of-a-kind technology capable of reaching such depths within the skin and producing remarkable benefits. 

The Procedure

The specialist will apply numbing cream to the treatment area one hour before beginning the procedure. In certain cases, a local anesthetic might be used.

Once started, the heat from the radiofrequency device can be regulated according to the desired skin depth i.e. superficial, medium, and deep. This is a unique feature of Morpheus8 and helps accurately target the specific skin problems.

It might cause some discomfort because of the high-pressure and heat effects, but the procedure itself does not hurt because of the numbing cream/anesthetic. Skin specialists usually perform field tests in advance to avoid any adverse effects of high-frequency energy on the skin.

The procedure generally takes about 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the area being treated.

Morpheus8 vs. Microneedling

The Morpheus8 device works just like a microneedling tool. Still, instead of just pricking the skin, it uses radiofrequency heat, stimulating collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid production at a depth unattainable by microneedling.

Hence, Morpheus8 treatment results in more intense and much faster results, and might also reduce the requirement for follow-up sessions as needed for microneedling.

Morpheus8: Before and After

How Many Treatments Are Required?

Between one to three Morpheus8 treatments are needed for the best-desired results every month. However, the exact number of required treatment sessions depends on the skin’s condition and the number of regions the client wants to treat. 

The results of Morpheus8 are visible within a few days – however, it generally takes about three weeks to see the full benefits. Long-term improvement can be seen within three months depending on how often treatment is received.

Who Can Opt for Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 can safely be used for all skin types. Anyone struggling with the following issues can opt for this treatment:

  • Acne, cystic acne, or acne scars
  • Sun damage
  • Dull and darkening skin
  • Rough skin texture
  • Fine lines, wrinkles, and creases
  • Stretch marks
  • Enlarged pores
  • Sagging or loose skin
  • Maintaining the results of a facelift

Morpheus8 Long-term Effects: How Long Do Results Last?

The results of Morpheus8 are not permanent and last for about 12 to 18 months. However, the effects can be maintained by following a resilient skincare routine that comprises daily application of SPF 30 sunscreen and yearly upkeep appointments.

Moreover, Morpheus8 does not halt or prevent the normal aging process like all skincare treatments. It only helps the skin stay healthy and youthful at a given age.

Final Thoughts

Morpheus8 microneedling may not be a permanent solution to skin tightening but it is a novel technique that provides state-of-the-art anti-aging benefits.

As long as you strictly follow a proper skincare and maintenance regime, you can reap the benefits of firmer, healthier, brighter, and younger-looking skin for a long time.

Also read:
1. The Complete Guide on Microneedling
2. Microneedling before and after care
3. How soon microneedling results appear
4. Traditional Microneedling vs Radiofrequency Microneedling
5. Morpheus8 before and after

  • About The Author

    Dr. Syra Hanif M.D.

    Board Certified Primary Care Physician

Dr. Hanif is the Director of Aesthetic Medicine. She is a board-certified physician in Aesthetic Medicine who specializes in using non-surgical alternatives in order to enhance one's appearance through Botox and fillers.

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