If you are looking for a single solution to a myriad of dermatologic problems, then Microneedling is definitely the answer. From regenerating hair follicles to reversing hair loss, microneedling has come forward as an amazing aesthetic treatment modality, and it is an even better option at Syra Aesthetics, as it is performed by our experienced veteran physicians and aestheticians.

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a unique procedure, and as the name suggests, it uses micro-needles to puncture the skin at targeted areas using tiny sterilized needles. These small pricks are basically tiny wounds, which promote the release of dermatologic building blocks like collagen and elastin and eventually regenerate skin and hair follicles.

Man Taking Microneedling treatment on Chin

How Does Microneedling Help
With Hair Regrowth?

Ever since microneedling was found to be effective for conditions like androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata, it has been exceedingly used for hair follicle regeneration and hair regrowth. It works on the same principle of collagen regeneration, which happens when microneedling is used for acne and skin scars. It is also suggested that microneedling promotes stem cell growth and causes hair to regrow stronger and healthier. It can also be combined with minoxidil, steroids or platelet rich plasma, which penetrates the skin better and much deeper after microneedling.

Woman Going Through Microneedling Treatment

What Happens During Microneedling?

At Syra Aesthetics, hair regrowth through Microneedling feels like a rejuvenating and refreshing experience. A topical anesthetic is applied to the treatment area to help minimize the sensation of pain and discomfort. The procedure includes pricking the skin with tiny sterilized needles that create wounds, which in turn induces your body to produce more collagen and elastin; along with releasing regenerating proteins and stem cells to help regrow the hair. It lasts for only a few minutes and has high rates of success.

What Happens After Microneedling?

You will experience some pain, skin tightening and peeling of the skin 24-48 hours after microneedling. However, these resolve spontaneously and rarely require medical attention. It is after this temporary phase that you start to see the benefits of microneedling.

Measures To Take After Microneedling

The scalp and the skin are especially vulnerable after microneedling. Susceptibility to sun burns and infections is high in the time period following a session of microneedling. It is advised to wear sunscreen and a protective head covering to prevent thermal damage. Also, the needle pricks are essentially minute wounds and may get infected if one is not careful. Religiously following the aseptic techniques suggested by the aestheticians and maintaining hygiene are paramount.

What Else Does Microneedling
Help With?

Microneedling not only helps with hair regrowth, but it is also extremely effective in diminishing acne and pitted scars by stimulating collagen production. It tightens your loose skin and that is why it helps with wrinkles and lip lines too.

If you require Microneedling treatment to successfully achieve hair regrowth and skin rejuvenation, or want to get rid of aging wrinkles and fine lines - Syra Aesthetics
ensures to provide the results you desire.

Reach Out To Us Today & Experience Youth All Over Again!


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