The most powerful and effective intense pulsed light (IPL) on the market, Lumecca IPL targets age spots, rosacea, acne scars, sun damage, and much more.

Results yield to improved skin complexion and smooth texture.

Lumecca ILP Treatment Equipment

What is Lumecca IPL?

A photo-facial using powerful intense pulsed light to diminish the dark spots within the skin.

Many patients request this for concerns ranging from sun spots to spider veins to acne scars.


Depending on the target area, a single session can last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour.

Slight warming of the skin and redness may appear, however, most patients return back to their daily routine right after the treatment.

There may be some darkening of spots within the treatment area for the first 48 hours post-treatment, but should start disappearing a week later.


The number of sessions are completely dependent on your skin type and the specific cosmetic issues. The goal of the treatment is set according to your preferences and then we can plan and provide a treatment plan that is completely customized to your needs.

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Syra Aesthetics

Realizing Your
Aesthetic Dreams

For more information & a free consultation on this procedure, Call, email, or pay us a visit at Syra Aesthetics.

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